St Marks Chapel

Blending traditional stonemasonry with modern techniques

Our goal was to create a seamless blend between traditional stonemasonry and modern techniques.

The project was an external extension of an existing solid stone building. To achieve this, we collaborated with the architect designer, engineer, and quarry to produce under-carved stone modules that visually resembled solid stone  by shape.

However, the challenge was then to provide a system that supported the stone veneer in bearing the weight load and restrain in a manner that was not only visually appealing but also structurally sound. There was no question that the STONEMEC system was suitable to achieve this goal.

The STONEMEC mechanical system was able to carry the load and restrain the stonework in such a way that no fixings were visible, creating the visually seamless appearance. Additionally, it allowed the stonework to move independently to the substrate, accommodating for any potential expansion or contraction.

This Award winning project is a true testament to the possibilities of modern stonemasonry techniques and how they can be used to seamlessly blend with traditional methods.

With the help of the STONEMEC system, we were able to achieve a beautiful and structurally sound external extension that visually appeared to be solid stone.